Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Baron's Newest Milestones

Baron is growing up so fast, and having a blast!!! He will be 4 months old this Friday (Nov. 28th) We are flying down to Utah to visit his Grandparents (Rory's parents). This will be Baron's first plane trip. We are so excited and super excited for many more family trips to come!!

Baron has been having to wear layers lately. It's been getting so cold outside in Calgary. Actually wearing clothes in general is a new concept for Baron. He still prefers to wear only his skin!

He can do it!! Baron can roll over. He can roll from his back to his tummy and back onto his back. He's so strong

Baron is getting so strong and smart. He loves rolling over, sitting up on his own, standing (with a little help for balance), grabbing and batting at toys, can pull out his soother and put it back in his mouth, has a pretty regulated schedule, recognizes his Mom and Dad (as you can tell by the picture), and loves to have stories read to him. He is such a happy baby, and loves to have everyone hold him and snuggle him.

We are so proud of him everyday. He is always doing something more adorable than he did the day before. He is soooo stinking cute, and brings so much joy and love to our family.

Here is Baron on Halloween! He was a "man bug". Nathan refused to call him a ladybug. He sure was a good sport, and the best looking bug we have ever seen.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Cuteness Update

Just a few pictures that we couldn't resist but to share with everyone! There are so many times that we catch Baron doing something so adorable we have to take pictures and these are only a select few of those times! Enjoy...

One night I caught Baron and Dad asleep on the couch. Baron's head is actually balancing on Nathan's face! Isn't that cute! Soon after taking this photo Baron woke up from Dad's LOUD snores!

This is the best part of being a parent. At least once a day Baron naps like this. He loves to give great big hugs and snuggle with us. It is the best feeling in the world.

Rory's sister and husband (Emily and Ryan) came to visit their new nephew this month. We had a wonderful visit with them! Baron especially had fun napping on his Auntie Em... very cute!

We tried Huggies for the first time. A couple of hours and 1 onesie later, we picked Baron up and, somehow, there was poo all over (and I mean ALL OVER) the entire front of his onesie. We still haven't figured out how it skipped the back and saturated the front only?!? All we can say is Pampers all the way!!!

That's right. We have had a break through. Nate and I can make Baron smile now. He does all the time now, and it is the sweetest thing! He also smiles during diaper changes, boot/bar break time, and story time too!


Wednesday, September 24, 2008

No more casts for Baby Baron

Baron got his last and final set of casts on Septemeber 3rd. Before casting them, Dr. Joughin made a small incision on the heels and cut half of the achilles tendons (to loosen them so they would allow the feet to stretch a little better). They then continued with the casting. The final set stayed on for 2 weeks. That was the conclusion to the casting stage. In all, Baron's feet responded so well to the casts that he only had to endure 5 sets instead of the usual 8-12 sets. He is now wearing the boots with the bar. We are supposed to work Baron into the shoes by leaving them on for a few hours and then taking them off for an hour. Baron is a week into them, Dr. Joughin has said that he is doing very very well and he is already wearing them for 20-23 hours a day. We found out fast that Baron didn't like getting the shoes taken off then put back on all day long. He seems to do much better when we just keep them on for a while. He is getting more and more used to them each and everyday. We are so proud of all of the progress he is making. He will only have to wear the shoes all day for 3 months and then only during naps and bedtime for 3 years. We are now just trying to enjoy the time we have with him before we find ourselves running around chasing him all over!!

Just before we removed the last set of casts.

Dad is just soothing baby Baron to help prepare him for the boot and bar fitting.

Here they are! Doesn't he look cute.

This is Baron's little break time. He starts to smile as soon as we start to take them off. He loves playing without his little shoes on. You can see just how much his feet have improved from when they were not yet casted (see earlier blogs).

Here you can see that Baron's little feet are just like Dad's now. Well, almost, they still have a little ways to grow until they are JUST like Dad's.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Barons Casts

Because Barons tendons were so tight at birth his feet didn't fully relax and caused them to be turned inwards and up. This condition is known as Club Feet. In order to treat this condition Rory and I did some extensive research on methods, looking for the best option. Originally the most common method of treatment was to break the babies feet and reset all the bones in the proper position, and cut the tendons to allow the feet to heal in the proper position. Rory and I were pretty sure this was not for us, or our baby. We came across a method, the Ponseti method, developed in the early 50's by Ignacio Ponseti. It consists of a series of casts on both legs that help re-position Barons feet, by lengthening and stretching the Tendons to where they should be. This method has a 95% success rate and so far Baron is responding very well. He is on his third set of casts and is has adjusted well to them! We sure do love him!!

Here are Barons feet and as you can see a little turned in

Baron and Dad, I think his foot is as big as Dads Big Toe!
Cast set Number 1
Baron adjusting very easily, rolling around with his casts!
Tired out after such a good day!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Continuation of Baron's Cuteness

Rory and I have been having so much fun these past few days. We are awed every time we see Baron, which is 24 hours a day! We just can't get over how cute he is! All day long we burp him, feed him, change him, hold him, rock him, and cuddle him. Babies really do bring Joy into your life! Keep enjoying all the beautiful pictures of Baron! And Brand new for everyone to enjoy, We've included some never before seen video footage!

My 2 Babies!
Nappy Nap Baron!

Small Parcel!

Baron Just getting familiar with everything!

Look how tiny he is!

Baron trying to eat up his Daddy's hands!
Mom caught little Baron napping oh so cute!
Did you get those nostrils from your Daddy?
Little Baron being weighed and checked by the sweet nurse!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Baron Arrives!

Baby Day Arrived! I go to work very early, around 5:30am and I left for work, Monday, July 28th not even worried about the day. I was quite surprised when at 5:53am Rory called to tell me that her water broke! I went to work and quickly got the men organized and ready to work without me, and then headed straight for home to collect Rory and speed off to the Rockyview hospital! Here are some action shots of all the events leading up to the birth and the beautiful shots afterwords. Our Baby's name is Baron Tanner Bateman. He weighed 8lbs. 7Oz. and was 19 inches long!

Rory and Nathan counting the baby's movements

Rory in Triage getting ready for the birth!

Our Fearless Doctor suiting up for surgery...

Proud new Parents of a special little Boy

Cute Little Baby Bum Baron
One Proud new Mommy!
Our new bundle of Joy
Manly man Baron!
Cute as a Button!
Baron just getting loaded up into his Car seat
Ready to go home now!
Mom and Baron Finally home and resting!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Baby Baron

Well everyone, Rory and I are expecting! We know its a boy and are very excited for him to come out and play soon! We decided on the name Baron because its unique and a strong name. Also while we would drive to and from the states quite frequently we drove through a town called Barons, and we really liked the name. Here are some glances of his progress!

First Post

Yes yes, its way overdue and been a long time coming. We are finally getting on the ball to share a little bit of what goes on in our busy lives and how much fun we are having.