Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Baron Arrives!

Baby Day Arrived! I go to work very early, around 5:30am and I left for work, Monday, July 28th not even worried about the day. I was quite surprised when at 5:53am Rory called to tell me that her water broke! I went to work and quickly got the men organized and ready to work without me, and then headed straight for home to collect Rory and speed off to the Rockyview hospital! Here are some action shots of all the events leading up to the birth and the beautiful shots afterwords. Our Baby's name is Baron Tanner Bateman. He weighed 8lbs. 7Oz. and was 19 inches long!

Rory and Nathan counting the baby's movements

Rory in Triage getting ready for the birth!

Our Fearless Doctor suiting up for surgery...

Proud new Parents of a special little Boy

Cute Little Baby Bum Baron
One Proud new Mommy!
Our new bundle of Joy
Manly man Baron!
Cute as a Button!
Baron just getting loaded up into his Car seat
Ready to go home now!
Mom and Baron Finally home and resting!


Unknown said...

Congratulations! What a beautiful little boy! We can't wait to meet him at Christmas time! Keep the pictures coming!

Sarah said...

He is sooo beautiful! Welcome to the world Baby Baron! He looks so perfect and little and sweet!
I love the picture where you are counting movements- you look smitten with nate, Rory. and the baby baron bum picture!
I hope your c-section recovery goes smoothly. I'm going to drop off a book for you (the c-sec bible) tommorow, but i'll leave it outside the door.
Love you guys, and we are so happy for yoU!!!!

Bree Johnson said...

Congrats guys! If you need anything let me know a meal ect ect ect- he is so cute i love his cute bumb! How'd the section go? Is anyone bringing you food tommorow? let me know if I can bring you something. Ahhh hes just so adorable!

Taralee said...

Yay! Congratulations! Thanks for posting some pictures. We think he looks like Nathan, especially in the picture of his car seat. I hope you are feeling good. He's so little and cute!

Kirsti said...

Congratulations Nate and Rory!

I can't even begin to tell you how cute Baron is. We can't wait to cuddle him in a couple of weeks.

We love you

Kirsti, Brad and Skye

Charlotte said...

Congratulations! He is incredibly cute. I'm so upset I can't be there with you now. Keep sending me pictures. :)

Alli said...

Nathan, you are a daddy! The pictures are great and I'm so glad you are blogging, it will be fun to keep up with you this way. We hope to get to see you sometime and finally meet Rory and see baby Baron (love the name!) You guys did a great job, he is a beaut!

rumplejane said...

I can't wait for Skyler to meet the little guy!!! He is such a cutie :) Is it that cold in Canada already to use the car seat muff ?!?! Moments like those make me glad I live in Florida!

Anonymous said...

What a precious angel we have in the family now! Can't wait to see all three of you next month. Love you very much, Emily and Ryan