Sunday, August 24, 2008

Barons Casts

Because Barons tendons were so tight at birth his feet didn't fully relax and caused them to be turned inwards and up. This condition is known as Club Feet. In order to treat this condition Rory and I did some extensive research on methods, looking for the best option. Originally the most common method of treatment was to break the babies feet and reset all the bones in the proper position, and cut the tendons to allow the feet to heal in the proper position. Rory and I were pretty sure this was not for us, or our baby. We came across a method, the Ponseti method, developed in the early 50's by Ignacio Ponseti. It consists of a series of casts on both legs that help re-position Barons feet, by lengthening and stretching the Tendons to where they should be. This method has a 95% success rate and so far Baron is responding very well. He is on his third set of casts and is has adjusted well to them! We sure do love him!!

Here are Barons feet and as you can see a little turned in

Baron and Dad, I think his foot is as big as Dads Big Toe!
Cast set Number 1
Baron adjusting very easily, rolling around with his casts!
Tired out after such a good day!


Chris said...

He is adorable! From one clubfoot family to another - there is a lot of support, information and ideas to be found online. And when you hit the FAB stage, help and support can be invaluable. There is an online support group called nosurgery4clubfeet at yahoo groups. Please join us! We'd love to have you there.

Kirsti said...

It was so fun to meet Baron this weekend. I wanted to snuggle him all day :). We love you guys and can't wait until we can see you all again.
Love US

Kent and Kate said...

Oh my goodness is he sweet! That picture of Baron's foot next to Nate's is darling. It looks like you two made one seriously cute baby! I would love to see more pictures. How are you doing Rory? It is a big change becoming a mother. Isn't it wonderful though. (it can be really hard, but mostly wonderful)

Unknown said...

He is so cute! That is amazing how much straighter they look after just the one casting! You guys will have to keep putting pictures up through the whole process, it's really cool! Kisses to Baron, we can't wait to meet him!

tessa said...

Baron's lucky to have parents so well read and concerned. That's the smallest, cutest cast I've ever seen:) Where did you find the specialist to do it?

Bree Johnson said...

Man You guys are awesome in my books thats cool your looking at the other method- the other one sounds so painful! He really is just so adorable i want to cuddle with him- I miss how small they are!

Mimi said...

I'm so glad that you guys found another method - I saw a clip on TV a few days ago of a baby undergoing the other method with surgery and I cried! So did the baby! There were a lot of red cuts on the little guy. I was worried that was going to be Baron, very happy to read otherwise.