Wednesday, September 24, 2008

No more casts for Baby Baron

Baron got his last and final set of casts on Septemeber 3rd. Before casting them, Dr. Joughin made a small incision on the heels and cut half of the achilles tendons (to loosen them so they would allow the feet to stretch a little better). They then continued with the casting. The final set stayed on for 2 weeks. That was the conclusion to the casting stage. In all, Baron's feet responded so well to the casts that he only had to endure 5 sets instead of the usual 8-12 sets. He is now wearing the boots with the bar. We are supposed to work Baron into the shoes by leaving them on for a few hours and then taking them off for an hour. Baron is a week into them, Dr. Joughin has said that he is doing very very well and he is already wearing them for 20-23 hours a day. We found out fast that Baron didn't like getting the shoes taken off then put back on all day long. He seems to do much better when we just keep them on for a while. He is getting more and more used to them each and everyday. We are so proud of all of the progress he is making. He will only have to wear the shoes all day for 3 months and then only during naps and bedtime for 3 years. We are now just trying to enjoy the time we have with him before we find ourselves running around chasing him all over!!

Just before we removed the last set of casts.

Dad is just soothing baby Baron to help prepare him for the boot and bar fitting.

Here they are! Doesn't he look cute.

This is Baron's little break time. He starts to smile as soon as we start to take them off. He loves playing without his little shoes on. You can see just how much his feet have improved from when they were not yet casted (see earlier blogs).

Here you can see that Baron's little feet are just like Dad's now. Well, almost, they still have a little ways to grow until they are JUST like Dad's.


tessa said...

Yay for Baron!

Unknown said...

thats great, he's looking so big!

Taralee said...

WOW!! His feet look so great!
He looks bigger. How is everything going? We miss you guys.

Alli said...

That is wonderful! We are glad to hear about his great progress.

Kent and Kate said...

Yeah Baron! He is so darling. I want to see him so badly!

Unknown said...

We're so glad he's doing so well and can't wait to meet him at Christmas time! It feels like just yesterday we were all together and you were telling us you guys were pregnant! By this time next year he'll be walking! Time sure does go by fast!

Wendy Earl said...

Hey Nathan, I hope you dont mind Heather Shipley gave me your blog address. I was interested to talk to you about your son! (so cute by the way!) My son Carter, had bi-lateral club foot! He just went into night time wear of the braces! He wore the casts for 1 1/2 months and had his left heal snipped as well. Not to sound sappy, but I almost cried when I heard he was in the braces! (Because hes doing well not because I feel sorry for him). Carter HATED the braces more then the casts because he cannot move his feet individually. But I cannot believe how great his feet look now. Its worth it to keep the booties on! Did you remove the casts yourself? Thats interesting that you DR said to ease him into the braces. We never did that, did he give a reasoning? I agree with what you said, Carter would've hated in WAY more if we took them on and off all day. Did one of you have a family history with club foot? Sorry for being so Nosey!!
- Wendy (Millington) Earl